
Every fundraiser is limited by the creativity and potential of their fundraising ideas. When tackling a fundraiser it’s often beneficial to have more than one idea to create an event that appeals to as many people as possible. Many of our ideas are easy and fun events that can be stand alone fundraisers or add-on event that can take your campaigns to the next level.

Below you will find a list of great ideas for your fundraisers. Always take the time to plan out your events properly and do some thorough research to make sure you’re getting as much out of it as you can. We're always open to suggestions and new ideas so feel free to comment.


Heads or Tails

Hand flipping a coinGenerate More Funds at Your Event with a Quick Game of Heads or Tails Do you want to add more fun and raise more funds at your event? Why not try a quick game of Heads or Tails. It is a simple …

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Hosting a Barbecue Contest

Man cooking meat on barbecue for family dinnerSummer is starting which means it is time to fire up your grills and dust off your best barbecuing recipes! Most of us love a good barbecue and most will agree that anything cooked on a grill …

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Mystery Boxes

close up basket full of red wrapped giftsWant to add more fun and increase the excitement at your next fundraising event? Why not let your guests take a chance on a Mystery Box or two or three? How it Works Mystery box chance games are …

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Dance a thonIt's time to hit the dancefloor and throw some shapes! Putting on a 24-hour dance-a-thon offers a fun and straightforward way of raising money for your organization. Get a group of willing …

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Break the Balloon

pop the balloonPop, pop, pop — how can you improve on the fun of popping a balloon? Having a prize given to you for doing it, of course! This idea is a simple fundraiser and can easily be incorporated into other …

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Dessert Dash

Fresh Dessert Cake CollageWho doesn’t enjoy a tempting dessert every once in a while? Energize your crowd and offer a sweet ending to your fundraising event with a Dessert Dash! Unlike a traditional cake walk, a Dessert Dash …

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Board Game Tournament

Family Playing Board Game At Home With Grandparents WatchingA board game tournament is a fun twist on the popular card tournament idea, and is something that everyone can have a go at no matter what their level of experience. Choose a fun game that most …

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Dunk Tank

Dunk TankIt's difficult to beat the thrill and satisfaction of throwing a softball as hard as possible in order to dunk someone in a tank of water — it's a lot of fun to do and a great way to raise money in …

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Treasure Chest Raffle Drawing

Two wooden treasure chests with valuables on blue textileWant to try something new and inspire fresh interest from your patrons? Consider this easy Treasure Chest Raffle. Raffle drawings are perfect as a standalone fundraiser or as an add-on revenue booster …

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Hot Dog Stand

Hotdog StandThere are many benefits to the humble hot dog: they're easy to prepare, simple to eat, and straightforward to sell, so they offer a useful way of raising some funds. Find a local retailer willing to …

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Chinese Raffles

chinese raffle fundraising ideaHow to Fundraise with a Chinese Raffle or Auction Chinese Raffles (called Chinese Auctions) are also a great means to raise money for your group or cause. It is similar to a tradition raffle where …

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Eating Contest

Eating contestFor your next fundraiser why not opt for something that's always interesting to watch? A timed eating contest. When it comes to choosing your food there's virtually no limit on what you can choose: …

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Bake Sale

bake saleA bake sale is one of the easier fundraisers to run and can be used as part of a larger event (such as a craft sale for the holidays or some kind of sporting event). It is one of our most popular …

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Patriotic Flags Fundraiser

American flag fundraising pictureDo you own an American flag or your countries patriotic flag? What kind of shape is it in? As I pulled my American Flag out to put up on 9/11, I found it a bit faded, tattered and torn. This …

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Dog Wash Fundraiser Ideas

Dog WashEvery dog owner wants a clean pet, but groomers can cost a lot and sometimes it just isn't practical to give a dog a bath at home. This is where your group comes in: you can offer a low-cost dog …

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50/50 Raffle

50/50 RaffleThe 50/50 raffle is one of the simplest there is, and you'll find many organizations dependent on fundraising run a 50/50 raffle every time they meet. Certain companies use “fun teams” that put on a …

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How Many in That Jar?

How Many in the JarTo make this fundraiser work you're going to need to rely on your best guessing skills. That said, it's very easy to run and doesn't need much in the way of equipment. Get your hands on a large …

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Bachelor(ette) Auction

date from a bachelor auctionHosting a Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction can be a of fun, helping you raise funds for a group and meet some new people at the same time. This is a fundraiser that's appropriate for adult groups — we …

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Darts Tournament

Darts TournamentThis fundraiser lets you break out your arrows and practise your aim — a darts tournament can raise a substantial amount of cash for your group. If you've ever stepped inside a pub you'll know how …

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Drive-in Movie

Drive-in MovieDuring the 50s and 60s drive-in movie theaters were a popular American staple. While most of today's generation won't be familiar with them, you can recreate the fun for your next fundraising event. …

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Santa Breakfast

Santa BreakfastWhenever Santa Claus is coming to town it's an exciting time for kids and adults alike, but no one likes waiting in line at the mall. To get around this, host a breakfast (or lunch) with the main …

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Carnation Day

Carnation DayWe all like to receive flowers every now and again — after all, it's encouraging to know that someone else is thinking of you. Tap into this goodwill by having a carnation day on Valentine's Day or …

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Grab Bag Fundraiser Ideas

Grab Bag Fundraiser IdeasThis fundraising idea works along similar lines to the What's in the Box Auction and the White Elephant Sale, but there are a couple of important differences. First of all, a grab bag fundraiser …

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All You Can Eat Potato Bar

baked potato barIf you find you've grown tired of endless spaghetti dinners at your fundraisers, you can change things up with an all-you-can-eat potato dinner next time around. As well as giving your group a change, …

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Giving Tree

Giving TreeA giving tree is a really worthwhile fundraiser for stocking up a food bank or church pantry around Christmas time. You can also use it to collect gifts for those people who are in particular need …

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Cow Pie Bingo

Cow Pie BingoThis is one of the more interesting fundraising ideas and should guarantee people keep talking about it for a long time afterwards. To be able to host a cow pie bingo, you need a farmer willing to …

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Beach Cleanup

beach clean upIn the summer months you can raise money with a beach cleanup day. At this time of year, people spend much more time at the beach, and leave a lot more litter behind: bottles of sunscreen, plastic …

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Winner’s Choice Raffle

Winner's Choice Raffle PhotoWant to engage more supporters and generate more funds at your next fundraising event? Consider adding a Winner’s Choice Raffle option to your Live Auction. What is a Winner’s Choice or Golden …

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Book Club Fundraiser

book clubGet together with like-minded book fans, enjoy yourself, learn something new and raise money at the same time with a book club fundraiser. You can start up a group from scratch, or make use of one …

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Pancake Breakfast

Pancake BreakfastA simple pancake breakfast is one of the most commonly used fundraisers: it's straightforward to plan, won't cost you much to run and should be a big success. After all, who doesn't like …

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Cake Walk

Chocolate CakeOne of the more traditional fundraisers, this is a piece of cake to organize! You can use it as a small part of a larger event, or host it separately as an independent fundraiser of its own. Get as …

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Coffee House and Poetry Slam

Coffee House and Poetry SlamHave you noticed that coffee houses are sweeping the nation? Lattes, mochas, and cappuccinos are the order of the day and these venues are the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights. Here's a …

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Buckets for Donations

bucket fundraiserThis fundraising idea is a great way of collecting the change given out at all the different stores in your town. To get started, gather together old coffee cans and any other suitable types of …

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Gift Basket Auction or Raffle

Gift Basket Auction or RaffleIf you're tired of using candy sales for school fundraisers, here's an alternative that's gaining in popularity and which usually returns large rewards for groups who run with it. Make each of the …

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Head Shaving

Head ShavingWhen it comes to a head-shaving fundraiser there are many possibilities, and you're only really limited by your imagination — here are a few ideas to help you decide on something to do. See if you …

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White Elephant Raffle

White Elephant RaffleThis contest can be used to complement a dinner fundraiser or a group meeting — have your members donate items towards a white elephant raffle in advance, and these items can be anything they don't …

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Spaghetti Dinner

Spaghetti DinnerThanks to its simplicity, the ease with which you can run it, and how familiar it is to the general public, the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is one of the most popular fundraising ideas and is one …

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Christmas Tree Ornaments

Christmas Tree Ornaments FundraiserIf you want to hold a Christmas tree ornament fundraiser, there's no reason why you have to wait until December. Plan the event well in advance and you'll give people plenty of opportunity to order …

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Pampering in Prison

Pampering in PrisonThis is a new twist on the idea of doing a lock up for charity. Rather than locking up prisoners and having them make calls to friends and family in order to raise bail, pamper them instead. The aim …

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Snow Cones

Snow ConesCool, colorful snow cones are a fun way of beating the heat, and you can use a snow cone fundraiser in tandem with some other kind of larger summertime event such as a craft show or an art fair. To …

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Nude Calendar

Nude CalendarThis fundraiser is (almost) exactly what it sounds like — the central idea is to produce a calendar of photographs of people in the nude, but use some well-placed objects to hide all of the “naughty …

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Bagger for a Day

paper bag filled with foodGrocery stores are often busy places where shoppers have to do their own bagging. This simple and undemanding fundraising idea lets you raise some money while providing a service that many in your …

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SmoothiesEveryone loves a good smoothie, and you'll find they taste even better when they are helping to raise money for the benefit of your organization. A fundraiser like this works best when used …

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Pennies From Heaven

Pennies From HeavenHere's an idea that will generate some competition between classes, homerooms or Sunday school classes as students work together to reach a common goal (raising funds for your organization). The …

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What’s in the Box Auction

What’s in the Box AuctionCuriosity might well have killed the cat but it will work in your group's favor if you decide to put on this fundraiser. Have each of the attendees bring a wrapped package with them, big or small, …

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Wacky Hat Day

Wacky Hat DayA Wacky Hat Day is a fun fundraiser that will work equally well at a school, a place of business, or a house of worship. It involves exactly what you think it would looking at its name. In return …

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Business Fundraisers

day off fundraiserCreate a self-funding Fun Team at your place of work and you might be surprised at how quickly employee morale improves. The aim of the group is to host a variety of mini-fundraising events throughout …

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Christmas Carolers

Christmas CarolersNothing gets you in the Christmas spirit quite like a sing-a-long. This particular fundraiser would work well with a school choir or glee club and can bring a smile to the faces of the participants …

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Funny Photo Contest

Funny Photo ContestGive all of the aspiring photographers you know the opportunity to to showcase their funniest pictures with this fundraiser: have a funny photo competition and request submissions from anyone in your …

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Butler Auction

butler auctionThis fundraiser is likely to be hugely popular with the underclassmen at your high school: let the seniors auction themselves off to play the role of a butler for a day. The responsibilities of …

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Face Painting

Face PaintingVisit any local carnival or fair and you'll realize that children love having their faces painted, so you can use this to your advantage at your next fundraiser. Organize a face painting booth to …

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Festival Fundraiser Ideas

Festival Fundraiser IdeasFestivals can be held for any season or Holiday you like (such as fall, winter or Halloween) and offer a great way to raise a large amount of money for many different groups and clubs …

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Door to Door Scavenger Hunt

Door to Door Scavenger HuntMake use of this fundraiser and you'll find it's a fun way to collect various non-perishable and other items to take to a food bank. It has broad appeal and can be enjoyed by the whole …

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Christmas Cookie Baking

Christmas Cookie BakingBy the time Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas preparations are underway, many of us will have been rushing around for over a month. There seems to be an endless amount of shopping, decorating, …

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Car Smash

Car SmashIt may be that someone you know is suffering at the hands of a disease and illness, and a car smash enables you to get your aggressions out as well as raising money to fund treatment or research at …

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Teacher (or Boss) Payback

Teacher (or Boss) PaybackFor this fundraiser you're going to need the help of a willing teacher or boss. You then pick several suitable activities to get the teacher or boss to perform as a form of “payback”. Write out the …

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Karaoke Night

Karaoke NightAs karaoke nights often prove, a hidden singer is somewhere inside all of us. Most of us would admit to singing in the shower or car, or in other situations where no one else is around, but a karaoke …

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Harvest Fest

Harvest FestThis is a fundraising idea that you can tailor to be as simple or as elaborate as you like. Make the most of the fall harvest and Halloween season to arrange a Harvest Fest for your group, setting up …

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Paint the Curb

Paint the CurbCollect some number stencils, some paint and some masking tape and you're ready for a “paint the curb” fundraiser. Having your exact address painted on the curb in front of where you live can save …

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Guest Speaker Seminars

Guest Speaker SeminarsIn every community there are people who stand out for one reason or another — it might be local news anchors or athletes perhaps, or a well-known local business owner. One way of fundraising for your …

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Holiday Flower Sale

Holiday Flower SaleAny sort of seasonal flower, whether it's spring tulips, Easter lilies, fall mums, or poinsettias, can act as the foundation of a great fundraiser for your group. Get started by finding a local …

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Super Sub Sale

YSuper Sub Saleour group can make the most of the biggest sporting events — like the Super Bowl, All Star Game, Final Four, Stanley Cup and so on — by having a super sub sale. These submarine sandwiches are also …

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Movie Marathon

Movie MarathonHere's one for the film fans — pop some popcorn, turn the lights down and get ready for a night full of movie magic! You'll find that many theaters are happy to work with groups such as yours to …

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Scramble Golf Tournament

Scramble (best ball) Golf TournamentThis is a golf tournament that's fun for all players, no matter how good or bad they happen to be at the sport. Find a local golf course that's happy to offer up their facilities for the course of …

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Ballroom Dancing Lessons

ballroom dancing lessonStrap on your dancing shoes and start practising your best dancefloor moves! Ballroom dancing has made a noticeable comeback thanks to its exposure on reality television. Not only is it fun and …

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Scrapbook Crop

Scrapbook CropYour treasured photos don't belong in shoe boxes and should be on show for everyone to see, and perhaps this is why scrapbooking is becoming such a popular past-time. It seems like it's growing in …

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Hugs and Kisses

Hugs and KissesThis fundraiser is perfectly suited to being run close to the romantic holidays (like Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day and the like) or at the end of the school year when students are wishing each other …

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Silly Sweepstakes

Silly SweepstakesThis is a great fundraising idea that you can run alongside a dinner fundraiser event, and it should be a lot of fun too. Give everyone a raffle ticket to begin the silly sweepstakes, then …

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Ice Cream Social

Nostalgic still life of hot fudge sundae in classic tulip dish wWhatever the flavor — whether vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip or something else — most of us love a serving of ice cream. There are plenty of different options to choose from, so why not have …

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Field Day

Field DayAs kids all you want to do is go outside, run around and play games. There's no reason why you can't keep on doing that and raise funds for your organization at the same time with a field day …

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Doggie Parade

Doggie ParadeMost of us love a good parade, so give dog owners the chance to show off their pride and joy. Get some sponsors for your event who are happy to donate for dogs who complete the route (or for every …

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Holiday Card Fundraiser

Holiday Card FundraiserAs the holiday period comes around again, it's time to start thinking about keeping in touch with friends and family — although electronic communication methods have replaced many of the traditional …

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Perfume Fundraiser

Perfume FundraiserMany of us love getting perfume or cologne as a gift, and it's particularly popular when it comes to Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and December holidays. Make the most of this with a …

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Photos With Santa

Photos With SantaKids love the experience of meeting Santa Claus, but they don't have to settle for a hastily taken photo at a crowded mall — host your own photos with Santa session and give the children a better …

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Snack Bar or Pantry

Snack Bar or PantryYou may have never thought about it, but we pay a lot of money for the convenience of using a vending machines — vendors can easily charge $1.25 (or more) for something that's only $0.50 when bought …

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Talk like a Pirate Day

Celebrate National Talk like a Pirate Day!Arrr there, matey! The best fundraisers aren't the ones that are serious and boring, and if you're after a fun and hearty change, why not host something on National Talk Like a Pirate Day? September …

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Deposit Bottle Collection

Deposit Bottle CollectionHere's a fundraiser guaranteed to go down well in States that have a returnable bottle deposit or areas offering money for scrap collecting (check with local centers if you're unsure). Create a …

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Chili Cook-off

Chili Cook-offIt seems that just about everyone has a secret family chili recipe to call upon. Use this to your advantage by getting people to share theirs through having a Chili Cook-off as your next fundraising …

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Car Detailing

Car DetailingThe car wash is a well-known and popular fundraising idea, but it doesn't work everywhere — what if there is no access to water? Or you want to be more environmentally friendly? The answer is to have …

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Winery or Brewpub Bus Tour

Winery or Brewpub Bus TourOne problem when visiting wineries and brewpubs is that you need to appoint a designated driver, and this is an annoyance that your group can solve by hosting a Winery or Brewpub Bus Tour. The …

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Sadie Hawkins Day Dance

Sadie Hawkins Dance PhotoHave you ever held a Sadie Hawkins Day Dance at your school? It's a once-a-year reversal where the tradition is for the girls to invite the boys to the dance rather than the other way around. The …

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Baby and Kids’ Resale

kids garage sale fundraiserIt's no secret that babies and young children can quickly outgrow their clothing and toys, usually way before these items are worn out. Take advantage of this by hosting a baby and kids' resale for …

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Bidding for Blue Plate Specials

blue plate fundraiserThis is an interesting twist on the standard dinner fundraiser that can prove very entertaining if done correctly. Tell everyone coming to bring along an individual serving, cooked meal or dessert, …

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Campaign for Fun

fun campaign ideaSome of the best fundraisers are both fun and educational, and this is one of them. Many of us at one time or another have thought about running for political office, and this is a fun and easy way …

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Trivia Night

Trivia NightA trivia night fundraiser caters to everyone's competitive spirit, teaches you facts you didn't know and raises funds for your cause all at the same time. Search around your local area for a bar or …

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Bargain Basement Evening Gowns

gown sale fundraiserThis idea gives you a great way of cleaning out your closet and raising some funds during the Prom and Homecoming season. How many people do you know with old prom dresses and bridesmaid dresses that …

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Local Celebrity Auction

Local Celebrity AuctionTo get started with this idea, contact a few celebrities from the area or local industries to see if they'd be willing to participate. They might also be up for donating some autographed memorabilia …

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Pin it On (Flower Corsages)

Pin it On (Flower Corsages)Every mom loves being spoilt and honored on Mother's Day and a great way to do this is with a flower corsage. Your group can put together corsages as your next fundraiser, recognizing the great work …

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Grown Up Spelling Bee

Grown Up Spelling BeeUse the framework of a classic childhood event for your next fundraiser by hosting a grown up spelling bee competition. Find a group of volunteers that would like to participate in the event, then …

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Pizza Night

Pizza NightThere are many great things about pizza, not least that it's simple to make and can be easily tailored to suit anyone's tastes — get creative with your toppings and the possibilities are almost …

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Sponsor my As and Bs (Grades)

Sponsor my As and Bs (Grades)Rather than paying a student for good grades, see if you can get this money for your cause — find sponsors who are happy to pay a certain amount for every A and B that appears on a report card. You …

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Big Truck and Tractor Rally

tractory rally fundraiserThis idea is going to appeal to the gear-heads, the automotive groups and the big kid that hides in all of us. Have a word with a contractor or heavy equipment rental facility in your area, and …

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Cardboard Regatta

Cardboard RegattaCardboard regattas are races held on calm and shallow bodies of water. Contestants have the opportunity to build their own cardboard vessels, making it particularly suitable for groups with a focus on …

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All Saints Day Cleanup

all saints day trash cleanupThe idea of an All Saints Day cleanup is to undo the mess created by miniature ghosts and goblins on the night of Halloween. You can get the area looking smart again and raise money at the same time. …

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Coffee Table Art Book

Coffee Table Art BookThis fundraiser is particularly suitable for pre-schools, elementary schools, and daycare centers. The aim is to put together a coffee table art book that shows off works of art that the children …

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Consignment Sale

Consignment SaleYou're going to need some careful planning for this idea, but if you can organize yourself it can prove a lucrative and enjoyable way of raising money. During tough economic times, people want …

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Hand-Painted Umbrellas

Hand-Painted UmbrellasWhen working with any charity or fundraising organization, it's important to keep the group's name in people's minds as much and as often as you can. While most fundraising events take place on warm …

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Popcorn Tasting

Popcorn TastingYou've no doubt come across all kinds of tasting events: wine, coffee, tea, desserts… why not add popcorn to the list? It's a unique fundraiser that's much more enjoyable than trekking from door to …

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Traditional Raffle

raffle fundraising ticketsIt has its critics but there's something to be said for tradition in all walks of life. The same is true when it comes to raffles: there are all kinds of variations, but a traditional one is one of …

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Car Wash Fundraiser Ideas

Car Wash Fundraiser IdeasThe car wash is one of the most common and most recognizable fundraising ideas you'll ever come across. It's so popular because it works so well. Identify a suitable location for the car wash, …

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Holiday Shopping in One Night

Holiday Shopping in One NightShopping for gifts for the holidays is often a busy, time-consuming process that causes more stress than enjoyment, but it doesn't have to be this way. You can host a “holiday shopping in one night” …

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Gourd Tossing

Gourd TossingAs you might realise, this idea is a spin off from the well-known punkin' chunkin' competition. It's a great fundraiser to launch in the fall at the height of the pumpkin and gourd growing time of the …

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Register for Text Donations

Register for Text DonationsYou may have seen information about donating via text message in the aftermath of natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. You can use the same technology to accept donations for your own …

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Wrap It Up!

Wrap It Up!We all know from experience that the Holidays are a busy time and people are often willing to pay for certain services that save them time. One of the most popular services in this area is gift …

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CFL Bulbs

CFL BulbsProtecting and conserving the environment should be a concern for all of us sharing the planet, and if you want to do your part then you can combine this with some fundraising as well. Compact …

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Cooking With Your Charity

Cooking With Your CharityIf you're looking for something fun and easy with plenty of flexibility, look no further. Put together a “Cooking with your Charity” cookbook that you can sell to raise money. Make use of recipe …

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Kissing Contest

Kissing ContestAre you the sort of person who would consider puckering up if it meant raising money for your chosen charity? What about your favorite team or another needy organization? It may come as no surprise …

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Duckie Race

Duckie RaceThis raffle is more sedate than most as you watch a group of rubber duckies float down a river. Once you have the ducks (as many as possible), find a suitable stretch of water, preferably one with a …

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Traveling Hobo Band

Traveling Hobo BandNot only is this a great fundraiser to try, it's very easy to set up too — all that you're going to need is a pickup truck filled with some tacky yard decorations. Think along the lines of plastic …

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Woman Fashion Show

Woman Fashion ShowUse this idea to turn a standard fundraising dinner into something a bit more fun and entertaining. You'll need to find some brave men who are ready to embarrass themselves by taking part in a “wo”man …

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Mailbox Painting

Mailbox PaintingTour around your neighborhood and you'll notice that while many people make do with plastic mailboxes nowadays, there are still the traditionalists who use basic metal ones, and these can begin to …

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Miniature Golf Marathon

Miniature Golf MarathonShort putters, mini pencils, it can only mean one thing… it's Miniature Golf time. Put on this is lively fundraiser, which works for all ages, and you can test out your putting skills around …

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Tractor Pull

Tractor PullFor your next fundraiser try this twist on an old theme: rather than seeing how much a tractor can pull, see how many people it takes to pull a tractor instead. Find a farmer in the area who is …

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Garage Sale / Yard Sale

Garage Sale / Yard SaleMost of us will have plenty of bits and pieces stuffed in an attic, basement, or spare room. likely never to be used again. You can help your cause by giving people an opportunity to clear out this …

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Overnight Zoo or Garden

Overnight Zoo or GardenImagine your reaction if you woke up one day to a yard full of plastic pink flamingos or spinning daisies. The idea of an overnight zoo or garden in honor of a birthday or anniversary is one that's …

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Photo Scanning

Photo ScanningPhoto sharing has got much easier since digital cameras and the Internet arrived, but you've probably got plenty of old pictures stuck in albums or piled up in shoeboxes. Wouldn't it be great if you …

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Shaken or Stirred?

Shaken or Stirred?Now for a fundraiser that's certain to create a buzz and attract the crowds. It's suitable for adult fundraising groups and should be strictly limited to those aged 21 and over. Get in touch with a …

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Christmas Light Removal

Christmas Light RemovalIt's a familiar sight when driving around after Christmas to see many houses with lights still dangling from the eaves weeks or months after the main event. People are forgetful and busy, and taking …

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Gold Buying Fundraiser

Gold Buying FundraiserAlthough we might not like to admit it, many of us will have several pieces of gold jewelry gathering dust in a box or on a dresser. These items might be broken or out of style, or maybe they were …

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Haunted Tour Bus

Haunted Tour BusThis is a fundraiser that works best in October, giving you the opportunity to discover all of the haunted places in your neighborhood and learn something about their history. Advertise the fact …

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Luxury or Rugged Test Drive

Luxury or Rugged Test DriveSpeak to the local car dealerships in your area and ask them if they would be willing to supply a few luxury cars for a test drive course that you can then use as a fundraising event. Set up a …

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Services Auction

Services AuctionHave a look around your group and your local community and you'll find there are many different kinds of professions and skill-sets represented. Use this to your advantage by asking anyone who …

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Time in the Slammer

Time in the SlammerThis fundraiser is one that will work well if there's a new prison in your area about to open or an old one that's just been shut down. The idea is that people pay to spend a night in jail, to see …

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Cooking Class

Cooking ClassWe don't all have the skills of a Julia Child but almost anyone can put on a cooking class, even if complicated French cuisine isn't your speciality. If you have access to a kitchen through your …

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Pawfect Art Show

Pawfect Art ShowBring out the inner Picasso from inside your pet and create a fun art fundraiser with this idea. You can opt to limit it just to dogs or allow any type of pet (within reason) to enter and submit some …

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Rake It Up

Rake It UpDuring fall, it seems all of the trees shed their leaves at exactly the same time. While sweeping them up can be a time-consuming task, it's also a great opportunity for your group to hold a …

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Death by Chocolate

Candy BarsYou don't have to spend a long time looking to find people who like chocolate, and a Death by Chocolate fundraiser will be right up their street. To begin with make contacts with local restaurants …

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Dog Bakery

Dog BakeryChances are you've already seen a dog bakery pop up in your local area, as spending on these pets is at an all-time high. Tap into this trend to make some money for your organization. Making dog …

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Fill’er Up

Fill’er UpNot so long ago, full service gas stations were the norm in the United States, but nowadays it's rare to see them outside of New Jersey. You can raise funds by bringing back the service tradition for …

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Luau Fundraiser Ideas

Luau Fundraiser IdeasGet planning a luau fundraiser and you can bring some tropical flavor from the islands to your local community very easily. Aloha! If you have a beach near to where you live, create an authentic …

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Reserved Seats

Reserved SeatsMost of us have dreamt of sitting on the court at a basketball game or on the fifty yard line in the case of football. Your group can help make this dream come true with a raffle for the best seat in …

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Going to the Dogs

Newton DogFor many families, dogs are considered as part of the family unit, and you'll find that people are spending more time, love, and money on their canine friends than ever before. Tap into this …

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Giddy Up!

Giddy Up!Unless you happen to live in Texas, the opportunity to go along to a horse show doesn't arrive very often. This is perfect fundraiser for any groups with a focus on farming or animal …

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No Dirty Dishes For a Week

No Dirty Dishes For a WeekYou'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually likes washing dirty dishes. What's more, with the pace of modern life so frenetic, it can be difficult to find the time to make a proper home-cooked …

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We Bake For You

We Bake For YouBy hosting a “we bake for you” event as your next fundraiser you can take the guesswork out of a bake sale and produce items to order. Draw up a list of ten or so items your group is able to make …

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Windshield Washing

Windshield WashingFor this fundraiser you're going to need to partner up with a popular local fast food outlet that has a drive thru lane. Collect squeegees, towels and some cleaning solution, then offer to wash the …

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Show Up In Your Jammies Day

Show Up In Your Jammies DayHaven't we all wished we could just roll out of bed and head to work or school in our pajamas? With this fundraiser you can make this dream and reality and give people the opportunity to turn up in …

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Spend the Day With Your Feet Up

Spend the Day With Your Feet UpFor a fundraiser that's particularly suitable for high schools, look no further than this one. You get your students to purchase raffle tickets where the prize is for the winner to spend a school …

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Waiting for Dollars

Waiting for DollarsThe first stage to putting on a Waiting for Dollars event is to find a local restaurant that's happy to host it — you should find that they appreciate the extra business it's going to attract, and of …

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Love from Home Packages

Love from Home PackagesGoing away to college can be a big adjustment that's difficult to deal with and can leave people feeling homesick. The perfect cure is a care package sent from home, making this an ideal fundraiser …

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Pants, Who Needs Pants Day?

Pants, Who Needs Pants Day?This one can get a little weird, so prepare yourself. It's a fundraiser aimed primarily at professional or semi-professional organizations that have a relatively strict dress code in place, and where …

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Theater Night

Theater NightDim the lights, raise the curtain, and get ready for the show — this is an event that can raise funds and entertain the community at the same time and involves your group putting on a play. You're …

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Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Dreaming of a Green ChristmasIt seems like every year the holidays generate more trash that needs removing. Dumpsters are filled with discarded gift wrap, cards, boxes and envelopes. Recycling is on the rise, but more work needs …

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Guided Nature Hike

Guided Nature HikeAs the weather starts improving, people are more inclined to get outdoors. Instead of spending a beautiful spring or summer day sitting around, why not put on a guided nature hike? This is easier …

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Local Series of Poker

Local Series of PokerPoker is going through a real surge in popularity at the moment and it seems like everyone from celebrities to next-door neighbors are joining in. You might want to consider hosting an amateur poker …

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Fall Color Tour

Fall Color TourThe colors of fall — red, orange and yellow — are provided free of charge by the changing seasons for everyone to enjoy, and this is an effective fundraiser to use in areas where trees change colors …

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Ice Hole Swim

Ice Hole SwimEver found yourself wondering what it's like to take a dip in ice cold water in the style of a polar bear or a seal? Well, set up an ice hole swim fundraiser for your group and you'll have the …

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Language Classes

Language Classes“Buon giorno!” Or “hello” if you're Italian. There are many moments when knowing a foreign language can be helpful, whether it's speaking to people from different backgrounds within your own community …

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Slip Into Something Comfortable

Slip Into Something More ComfortableThis fundraising idea is for over 18s only and has the potential to work well for a college sorority or Pan Hellenic council. The central idea is to host a pajama and lingerie theme fashion show. …

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Social Media Class

Social Media ClassThe Internet has completely revolutionized the way we communicate with each other, and the rate of change shows no signs of slowing down. You've no doubt come across some of the most popular social …

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Reverse Raffles

Winner's Choice Raffle PhotoReverse Raffles have been gaining popularity with some groups for their fundraising events. It starts off as a tradition raffle where patrons purchase tickets. Where things change up is in the …

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On the Air

On the Air“Hello caller — you're on the air!” This is a fundraiser that will have you working closely with a local radio station, giving them help in selling advertising time for one particular day. It is …

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