Treasure Chest Raffle Drawing

Two wooden treasure chests with valuables on blue textile

Want to try something new and inspire fresh interest from your patrons? Consider this easy Treasure Chest Raffle. Raffle drawings are perfect as a standalone fundraiser or as an add-on revenue booster to an existing event. They are fun for your supporters, they are not difficult to administer and they help raise needed funds for your organization and cause.

Although there are many types of drawings to choose from, a Treasure Chest Raffle can offer more engagement and involvement from your guests because who doesn't want a chance to find the hidden treasure!

Here is how it works:

The format is similar to a traditional raffle where you sell tickets or chances to win a prize of value. Purchasers either keep one half of a two part numbered ticket or fill in their names on a form that is deposited with all entries into a container. At a preset time a ticket is drawn from the collection of entries. The prize is then awarded to the person whose name or ticket stub is drawn.

For a treasure chest raffle, you will draw a predetermined number of tickets. The number drawn should be at least 3 but not more than 10 or the process may take too long and you want to keep your audience engaged. It is also best to have all participants present to win. The holders of those tickets drawn then come forward and select a key from a display which holds the same number of tickets drawn. However, only one key will open the treasure chest. As your audience cheers them on, the ticket holders will try their keys until one has unlocked the chest and is awarded the treasure. It adds some fun and excitement for all as everyone enjoys a good treasure hunt.

Variations to this treasure chest raffle include:

  • Offering more than one treasure chest containing different prizes or values.
  • Offering a second tier of drawings. You might pull 10 – 20 or more raffle tickets earlier then deposit them into an additional container. Then at a stated time a few tickets are drawn from this smaller group of ticket stubs for the treasure chest keys. This second tier option gets more audience involved and anticipating the outcome. Between drawings is a perfect opportunity to share your message about your group or cause.
  • Keep the treasure inside the chest(s) a surprise. Offer only approximate values and or clues throughout your event.
  • Offer consolation prizes to all participants if your budget allows. Maybe a sponsor would donate some thing for a nice mention at the podium when the audience is really engaged. The consolation prize could even be the dollar value of their raffle ticket price.

What you will need:

  • Two-part numbered raffle tickets or forms that participants can fill in their name and contact information.
  • Container to deposit raffle tickets
  • Treasure chest or locking container
  • Locks and keys that will fit you treasure chest or locking container
  • Prize(s) for winner(s). This can be cash or something of value to your audience.
  • Consolation gifts if preferred

You may even want to tie your treasure to the theme of your event. If your prize is a trip, use a locking piece of luggage for your treasure chest. If you are hosting an upscale event, a nice piece of jewelry could be tempting.  However you choose to imaginatively set up your treasure chest drawing, it is sure to entice more participation from your audience and generate more engagement and revenue for your organization. Enjoy the fun as your guests hunt for your hidden treasure!

Note: Before you get started check with your state for its rules and regulations on raffles and drawings to make sure you are in compliance with the rules in your state.


  1. Val says:

    Interesting ideas.

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