By hosting a “we bake for you” event as your next fundraiser you can take the guesswork out of a bake sale and produce items to order.
Draw up a list of ten or so items your group is able to make and how much you can sell them for with a tidy profit. Create order forms listing the selections you've decided on, together with the associated prices and the dates they'll be available. To entice people into ordering you could include pictures of the finished products.
It's worth trying to time your sale to hit major holidays or sporting events to add to your sales (many people will appreciate the convenience of not having to bake or shop at busy periods).
See if you can find a commercial kitchen at one of your local churches or schools that you are able to borrow for the day. Get together all of the various ingredients you're going to need, then split your bakers and group volunteers into teams. Have each team be responsible for one particular item.
When all the baking is done, make sure that each item is packaged nicely and includes a thank you note. You might want to produce a few extra of each item in case you can attract any last-minute sales.
You can read our full article about holding a bake sale here.