Register for Text Donations

You may have seen information about donating via text message in the aftermath of natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. You can use the same technology to accept donations for your own group, and setting it up is more straightforward than you might think.

If you find that your cause meets the criteria, you can register for your group to receive donations via SMS. Anyone who wants to contribute to your fundraising enters a short code number on their phone together with a predetermined keyword (identifying your group) the amount they want to give. Your organization benefits every time someone texts the number.

The process is very simple for donors, as the money they want to give is added on to their cell phone bills, and it's more convenient for your organization, reducing the amount of time you spend going door-to-door. As soon as your charity gets approval for receiving text donations, publicize your assigned number and keyword anywhere you like (print, radio, television and so on).

These two short bits of information can be promoted on your group's website, included on business cards, and added as a footnote on all the on flyers you print out for various events. The easier donating becomes, the more likely people are to do it.


  1. Ali Roba says:

    The mobile fundraising initiative is an awaresome opportunity for small grassroot nonprofit. I’m looking forward to register our CBO for this program.

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