It seems like every year the holidays generate more trash that needs removing. Dumpsters are filled with discarded gift wrap, cards, boxes and envelopes. Recycling is on the rise, but more work needs to be done — did you know that you can recycle your Christmas tree?
There's no shortage of recycling centers around the country that are happy to recycle Christmas trees as well as the usual glass, paper and plastic items. Some local communities with curbside recycling facilities allow residents to leave trees out in the street with other recyclables, but in other places residents are required to haul trees to the recycling facilities themselves. We don't all have access to a truck, and for many residents it's more straightforward just to leave the trees out with the trash than to take them to be recycled.
This is where your group comes in.
See if your organization is able to rent a large pickup or flatbed truck, and you can then go round picking up discarded Christmas trees and hauling them to the local recycling center for an appropriate fee. Make sure your willing volunteers are wearing gloves for handling the trees safely. It's also a good idea to have some twine or bungee cord ready to fix the trees securely to the truck.
Before you get started, contact your local recycling facility to check that you can drop trees off and so they know to expect a large number of trees. Get this fundraiser going and you can keep trees away from landfill sites while raising funds for your group at the same time!
You can find more holiday fundraising ideas here.