Sweet Fundraising Ideas for Valentine’s Day

We are all aware that themed fundraisers do very well to bring in the profits and encourage turnout. Valentine's Day is not an exception! It's one of the most popular holidays in the world. Everyone likes an excuse to celebrate love, so why not host a Valentine's Day themed fundraiser?

Lovers are searching for the perfect gift to buy for their partner or secret crush. And what a flattering thought that your Valentine's Day gift is spreading the love in a different way – by helping those in need.

Before you decide to host a Valentine's Day fundraiser, you want to ensure that you are not alienating any of your potential donors. By that I mean, don't focus your event or your fundraising products too much on couples or secret crushes – instead try to include everyone to draw the most guests possible to your event.

And remember, there are a ton of things to do on Valentine's Day. Everyone is making plans. So try to make your event a little more unique then the rest. Here are some traditional and not-so-traditional themed Valentine's Day fundraising ideas. Have fun and spread the love!

Valentine's Dance

This one is easy to organize. Rent a space in a church, school or recreational hall. Then all you need to do is find a willing volunteer DJ and dance staff to take tickets. You can decorate the hall with Valentine's themed decor and red and pink balloons.

Rose for your Love

Contact your local florist and ask them to donate slightly flawed roses for free or a reduced charge. Then sell them for $2 or $5 per piece. If you can't get a deal on roses consider hosting a Carnation Day.

Sweet Candy

You can sell all sorts of yummy gifts that have a Valentine's Day theme. Try Turtles, Hershey kisses, cupid cookies, heart shaped lollipops, fuzzy teddy bears, love balloons, romantic candles and so on!

Wine Tasting

Have a licensed affair with some local wines. Agree to market and promote the wines for free if the dealer donates x number of bottles. Charge admission for the event or charge $10 to try 4 different types of wine. You can also easily combine a classy wine tasting event with a silent auction or 50/50 raffle.

Romantic Getaway Giveaway

Contact a local hotel and ask them to donate a romantic weekend package or offer one up at a discounted price for charity. Then sell raffle tickets on a door-to-door basis, or at the mall, to raise money for your charity.

Sell Kisses

This can be done in so many different ways. For instance, host a kissing booth and take donations, or sell Hershey's hugs and kisses that buyers can have delivered to their crushes (this works well in schools).

Hunk or Hottie Auction

These are typically adult events that “sell” the company of an eligible bachelor or bachelorette to interested buyers. The highest bidder gets the company of their prize for a dinner date.

I'm your Singing Telegram

This fun fundraiser for bands or choir trying to promote their talents. Donors select a song and a recipient and telegrams visit the recipient on location to sing them the song of choice.

Bake Sale/Auction

Sugar lovers will jump at the chance to bake up a special sweet treat and donate it to your bake sale or auction, but more will likely come and bid on the sweet treats to take home and enjoy!

Murder Mystery

I love these events and have hosted many. This event treats your guests to an evening of murder and mystery – just as the title suggests. Each guest takes on the persona of a character from the game, and no one knows – except for the murder that is – whodunit!

At the end all characters and audience members can guess who they think the bloody murderer is. This is a great event to charge admission to, and especially profitable for local drama troupes.

Give a Gift Basket

Create a caring gift basket – full of donated spa and wellness products – then sell raffle tickets in order to raise money. The winning ticket takes home the basket – and you take home the funds for your charity group.

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