Scoring a Fundraising Goal for Your School’s Sports Team

The most common question we’re asked is, “What is the best fundraiser for my school’s sports team?”

Score a Fundraising Goal

The answer will differ greatly if you are asking about fundraisers for the cheerleading squad versus the fencing team. But one factor remains the same no matter what—school fundraisers must be fun, for the volunteers as well as for the participating public.

For us, fun and school spirit are one and the same, so things we like to call spirit items (otherwise known as team paraphernalia) are your best bet for generating team spirit and fun among your loyal fans. With fun and school spirit in mind, we have compiled a list of inexpensive yet effective fundraising ideas for your school sports team. These fundraisers have proved time and time again to bring in money while creating a sense of school spirit.

Customized Pom Poms

Every sports team needs a faithful cheering squad. Why not sell pom poms with your team logo so your fans can really get into the team spirit? You can purchase customized pom poms online for about $1 each on bulk purchases.

Mini Team Balls

Just like the pom poms, your team can order customized footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, rugby balls, volleyballs, and baseballs for around $2 each for bulk purchases.

Foam Fingers

These are a lot of fun, especially when they are customized with your team logo. Foam fingers typically allow a large printable area, so imagine how your team colors and logo will look with hundreds of fans waving them from the stands. Foam fingers typically sell for between $3 and $5 per pair with a printable logo on one side. You can also have your logo printed on both sides for a slightly higher cost.

Discount Coupons

Sports fans love a deal, especially when that deal is for their favorite fast food or sports grill. Many teams sell coupon books filled with local pizza and burger joint discounts. These coupon books can include as many businesses as you like, and they always feature the team name on the front of the booklet.

Depending on the value, most booklets sell for between $10 and $20 each. Remember, you want the price to be enough to make a profit, but be reasonable so a buyer will be willing to purchase one out of pocket if you go door to door.

Team Calendars

All fans need a game calendar so they won’t miss a game! Purchase pocket-sized calendars with your team logo and dates of games, or choose larger calendars with a magnet affixed to the back so they can be hung on a refrigerator. Not only will this help you raise money for your team, it will also help boost game attendance.

Sports Bottles

Customized sports bottles are great items to help your fans stay hydrated and get in the spirit. Printable sports bottles help save the environment by cutting down on plastic water bottle waste, and they give fans a souvenir to take home after buying a drink at your game. If your sports arena has a concession stand, customized sports bottles are must-haves.

The key to all of these fundraisers is support from local businesses and corporations. They can offer support by paying for locations to host your fundraiser, renting necessary equipment, or even to donating products. Regardless, you need support from local business to make all of these fundraisers a success.

Before you go out and buy thousands of sports bottles or foam fingers, be sure the stadiums hosting your teams’ games permit these items.

Good luck and go team!

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