Kicking Off Football Fundraising Season

As the temperature dips, the smell of team spirit and concessions fills the air for another hopeful football season. As those eager young athletes look forward to a season of high school rivalries and championship dreams, they will also need funds to help them start the season off on the right foot.

Sports team fundraising efforts are essential for the survival of any school team, be it the soccer team, basketball team, baseball team, or football team.

It’s obvious that your number one fundraising supporters will be the parents and family members of your teammates. But you don’t want to spread your biggest support to thin, whether it’s asking them to give their time, money, or equipment.

Many members of the community you may not have thought to reach out to would love to help your sports team. But when appealing for help in the local community, you will need to offer your supporters something they’ll want buy or something they see personal value in.

Sure, the same old candy, fast food, and baking tactics might draw the odd new fan out to games, but it’s the really unique fundraising ideas that will keep them supporting your football team for years to come.

Communication is Key

As the coach or an organizational lead on your PTA, you already know that you need to use every form of communication available to you to reach out to potential volunteers and donors. That means sending e-mails, making phone calls, sending letters, producing fliers, etc., to spread the word about your charity and need.

But communication with the key players—team members and their parents—will help rally your team and their spirit for the upcoming fundraising season.

Send regular communications to explain your fundraising efforts, and don’t forget to include how you plan to use the money raised. This is the type of incentive that will get everyone motivated for your fundraisers, and eager to lend a hand.

Time-share your Volunteers

If your fundraiser requires a lot of volunteer aid, attempt to reach out to your group to gain an hour or two of time from each person. That means taking the time to draw up a rotating schedule of tasks, including concessions, ticket taking, transportation of team members to and from games, and so on.

This will go along way to show your volunteers that you appreciate their time, and allow them breaks to have fun as well.

Alumni Recognition

You’ll be surprised at how many people in the outside community will be happy to support the football team. After all, those attending games are provided with free entertainment throughout the year. Try to make an effort to remember alumni football players.

They will truly appreciate a look back at a game they played or a fond team memory. Honoring the past can earn your team a lot of money from local lifetime football fans.

Ask for Help from Teen Fans

Just because a fellow student isn’t on the football team doesn’t mean they don’t want to be a part of the action. The fundraisers you commit to will depend a lot on fellow students, as fans and as potential volunteers. For instance senior students can help man the ticket and concession booths.

They will also have various talents that can go a long way to help raise money for the team—bake sales, art sales, yard sales, etc. Make this a true team effort by enlisting help from the entire student body.

Now that you know how to extend your volunteer base, here are a few of our favorite, and unique, football fundraising activities:

  • Sell personalized keepsake items as gifts, such as football jerseys, game balls, athlete trading cards, etc.
  • Host a football kick-off and earn money by selling extra tickets for a chance to kick the game ball at halftime.
  • Green fundraising is a novel idea when it includes recycling, donated clothes, tin can collection, parks and community clean-up efforts, and other ways to educate as well as raise money for your team.
  • Design and sell team calendars with the help of your computer and a laminating machine.

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